Hey! You in the back! Losing participation points because you're teacher can't see you? Don't worry, Jeremy can, and he has the perfect solution!
Looking for a snack upgrade? Jeremy's foolproof method will have you swimming in snacks in no time!
Jeremy hears from a viewer with a pesky little sister, but don't worry! He's got a great game to keep your sibling out of your hair.
Jeremy reads a letter from a viewer looking for a little financial advice, and gives you some practical tips for getting a pay bump from your parents!
Can't play an instrument? No potential band mates? Don't fret! Jeremy has the perfect solution for every type of rock star out there!
Caught spacing out in science class? Don't worry! Jeremy's here with some great tips to keep you from losing focus
Time to say "Smell You Later!' to your stinky morning ride! Jeremy's perfect present will nip your funky problem right in the bud.
Want to know how Om Nom's on unexpected adventure began? Watch this exclusive video and see...