Top 100 Videos

PrimaryGames has over 700 free online videos that you can watch on your computer or mobile device. Here's a list of the Top 100 Videos on PrimaryGames ranked by video popularity. Watch all of the best videos right from your browser - no downloads needed.

Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #6 - The Boy Who Cried Wolf

The shepherd is bored, but his lies put everyone in danger

Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #6 - The Boy Who Cried Wolf

Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #8 - Elves And The Shoemaker

The shoemaker has too many shoes to make so the magical elves come to the rescue.

Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #8 - Elves And The Shoemaker

Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #5 - Hansel & Gretel

Hansel and Gretel go into the woods to look for the candy kingdom, but what they find puts them in great danger.

Minecraft Fairytales: Fairy Tale Minecraft #5 - Hansel & Gretel

Farmer Phil

Farmer Phil is preparing for Orange Day.

Farmer Phil

Fastest Time to Pop 100 Balloons By a Dog

Toby's amazing skill was found by accident during one of his daily walks with Christie; after noticing a balloon caught on a fence, she let Toby try to pop it.

Fastest Time to Pop 100 Balloons By a Dog

Fastest Time to Solve a Rubik's Cube on a Pogo Stick!

Not finding solving Rubik's Cubes or pogoing challenging enough, George Turner decided to push himself even further.

Fastest Time to Solve a Rubik's Cube on a Pogo Stick!

Episode 10: Father-Son Dungeon Day

A world where kingdoms are built then bashed by bad guys. It's a never-ending battle between builders and bashers!

Episode 10: Father-Son Dungeon Day

Favorite Food (Episode 3, Cut the Rope)

Om Nom is on a mission to find his favorite food and nothing will stop him until he finds an answer!

Favorite Food (Episode 3, Cut the Rope)

Fences and Gates

In this Minecraft video for kids, we craft Fence and Fence Gates and build a perimeter around our wheat farm to protect the crops from getting trampled.

Fences and Gates

The First Thanksgiving

The Children of the Rethink Autism Community retell the story of the First Thanksgiving.

The First Thanksgiving

Five Little Turkeys

''Five Little Turkeys'', from ''Children's Favorite Autumn Songs & Fingerplays''.

Five Little Turkeys

Five Nights At Freddy's

StarLord visits a new friend who has built a Five Nights at Freddy's themed world with giant statues and a restaurant replica.

Five Nights At Freddy's

Mouse in the House: Fizzing Volcano

Learn to make a fizzing volcano using household items with the Mouse in the House!

Mouse in the House: Fizzing Volcano

Follow The Yellow Brick Road

StarLord finds himself alone following a gold brick road. He must reach the end to win.

Follow The Yellow Brick Road

Food for Thought

What, where, and with whom will you eat today?

Food for Thought

Food Labels

Learn before you lunch! Understanding the information on food labels can make a big difference in how you eat healthy.

Food Labels

Mosa Mack Science Detective: Food Webs Answer

Did you solve Mosa's mystery to help the bullfrog? Watch and find out!

Mosa Mack Science Detective: Food Webs Answer

Mosa Mack Science Detective: Food Webs Mystery

Frank is a bullfrog who lives near a large temperate forest. He loves to chomp on grasshoppers and worms, but hasn’t seen any around in days and he is hungry. Frank calls Mosa Mack to help him find some food before he croaks. Thankfully,a singing cricke

Mosa Mack Science Detective: Food Webs Mystery

Forever Friends Saint Patrick's Day

Forever Friends bears dance for you in celebration of Saint Patty's Day!

Forever Friends Saint Patrick's Day