Top 100 Videos

PrimaryGames has over 700 free online videos that you can watch on your computer or mobile device. Here's a list of the Top 100 Videos on PrimaryGames ranked by video popularity. Watch all of the best videos right from your browser - no downloads needed.

Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 6

The countdown to the release of DOG MAN: LORD OF THE FLEAS on August 28 continues…! What will Dog Man and 80-HD do while Li'l Petey's at school? Catch another sneak peek next Friday!

Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 6

Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 8

DOG MAN: LORD OF THE FLEAS is coming on 8/28! Wondering who's disguised as Dr. Katz? Find out right now in part 8 of our countdown and check back next Friday for another special episode!

Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 8

Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 9

There are less than TWO WEEKS to go until DOG MAN: LORD OF THE FLEAS! In part 9 of our countdown, Li'l Petey has one question: Why? Check back next Friday for the FINAL episode!

Lord of the Fleas - Sneak Peek - Episode 9

Ben & Hairy: Lunch Break

All the guys are having lunch together, except for stuck-up Foreman who decides to eat alone at that cool Café on the end of a very, very steep street. Big Mistake.

Ben & Hairy: Lunch Break

Making Friends

Kit and Kate would like to become friends with Linda Lamb, the assistant at a laboratory.

Making Friends

UMIGO: Check That Volume

How much VOLUME is in that bowl? Turn the volume way up to find out!

UMIGO: Check That Volume

Most Pyraminx Solved Underwater

Chinmay Prabhu (India) achieved the record title for the Most Pyraminx solved underwater.

Most Pyraminx Solved Underwater

UMIGO: Mr. Measure

Here's an AREA of math that totally square!

UMIGO: Mr. Measure

Muppets "Joy To The World"

The Muppets sing "Joy to the World".

Muppets "Joy To The World"

The Muppets: Ringing of the Bells

The Muppets perform ''Ringing of the Bells''.

The Muppets: Ringing of the Bells

Musical Jokes

Listen to silly musical jokes from Highlights kids and share a few with your friends!

Musical Jokes

My Lucky Day - Cool Tunes for Kids by Eric Herman

Children's music artist Eric Herman performs and stars in this cartoon video that depicts a day that seems particularly lucky in many ways. (Stay tuned for the stinger after the credits!)

My Lucky Day - Cool Tunes for Kids by Eric Herman

My First Flame

A Baby Dragon brags that he can breathe fire, promising Kit and Kate that he will make them a campfire.

My First Flame

Square Off: Name That Dish

You're watching Square Off, hosted by Cat Valdes! Our contestant Julia squares off with our kid expert panel to answer the question: What kitchen creation best represents you? Yum!

Square Off: Name That Dish

Nilanshi Patel: India's Rapunzel

16 year old Nilanshi Patel, from Gujarat, India, has set a new record for the Longest hair on a teenager.

Nilanshi Patel: India's Rapunzel

Episode 9: No Aye-Aye in Team

A world where kingdoms are built then bashed by bad guys. It's a never-ending battle between builders and bashers!

Episode 9: No Aye-Aye in Team

Build The Cannon

In this episode the problem solving skills of the players are tested. They must build a cannon that can launch a block of TNT past a certain line.

Build The Cannon

Episode 17: Builder Basher Battle-O-Rama

A world where kingdoms are built then bashed by bad guys. It's a never-ending battle between builders and bashers!

Episode 17: Builder Basher Battle-O-Rama

One Crabby Day

King Crab summons his court painters, Kit and Kate, to paint his royal portrait.

One Crabby Day

Orbax and Pepper React to the Loudest Burp

Paul practises his strange talent by drinking copious amounts of fizzy drinks and allowing the gas to build up in his stomach.

Orbax and Pepper React to the Loudest Burp