In a silent night, the Foreman is set out to discover the mystery that lies behind those blood-freezing noises that prevent the night watchman from taking his obligatory nap.
Thoughtless Foreman decides to stand just behind Ben’s moving truck the very second Hairy -hungry as always- takes the brake pedal for a quick snack!
A beautiful girl waits for her ride home, when the guys decide to try their luck. But only Hairy has got what it takes to get a real woman's attention: Lots of Fur.
Hairy can't find a quiet place to take his nap, until he spots the bulldozer's driver seat. Unluckily for the Foreman, Hairy seems to be able to drive the dangerous vehicle all around without even waking up.
After the mysterious disappearing of the Architect, a search party is organized. Hairy joins the party, mainly because he is very interested in knowing what the fuzz is all about.
Foreman goes too far while trying to turn off a leaking faucet and everything breaks loose. Luckily for him, it's the hottest day of the year and no one will complain!